GSR Social Media

The platform I am seeking to use is Twitter. I am using this platform because it is a very large and very accessible platform that anyone can use. Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms today and it allows one to use hashtags, post a maximum of 140 characters per post which can be accompanied by photos and videos. I also chose Twitter because my audience I am seeking to tap into are people in their mid 20’s that strongly use the application and are present on it daily. Since the app only allows one to post 140 characters per post, I’ll have to be crafty with how I post my work and attract my audience. I’ll be using text as a caption within each post. I am unable to change the color of texts but I am able to manipulate the font in order to be more creative or get my message out in a certain context. I feel emojis and punctuation are almost necessary and will help my posts be more friendly and be more attractive for my target audience. When posting on Twitter, I think posting a shorter post that includes a photo or link accompanied by a thread of more posts is the most efficient way to get my message across on Twitter. I’ve seen various people and business accounts use the feature and it’s a simple and convenient way to get out their message in a variety of posts to a variety of people. I think the best time of day to post on this account would be at noon to 1 p.m. as this is prime time for social media as most people are working or doing merely anything will likely take a midday break and this would be my chance to post on Twitter and have them see my message. I think I can increase comments by engaging with my potential and current audience, interacting with them and showing them they can find out more about anything as long as the tweet to me. You can also measure your outreach on Twitter by having polls to see directly what the audience thinks and let them have an opinion and any suggestions about my work. 

One thought on “GSR Social Media”

  1. I totally agree with your statements. I like how you left it open for comments asking if viewers like to read and why they like to read. I love how it’s open for suggestions and it’s a good way for people to stay engaged.

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