When deciding which social media platform to use for this assignment, I thought Twitter would be the best medium. This is because Twitter is a platform that revolves around words as that is the staple of the posts, with pictures and videos to go along. A perfect way to promote my poem about the quarantine as it also is something a lot of users can relate to. Another benefit to using Twitter is the retweeting function allows my followers to repost it for their follows to see and so on and so on. Making this a medium to allow for a lot of interaction between myself and fellow users of the platform. Considering my poem revolves around my experience in quarantine, it may come across as relatable to other users who would share with others. And with everyone supposed to be staying home, people are on social media more so the targeted audience of other teens and young adults would be more likely to see it.

As a good way to use the platform, I would use the 280-character limit with my caption being the title and the first stanza of my poem as that is only 250 characters. The caption reading, “’Quarantine, Trapped inside with my family and my dog, / all these walls feeling my blank stare. /The memories of hanging with friends is becoming a fog. /How I long to be out again in the fresh air.’ If you like this first stanza, check out the whole piece”. In the scenario that I had a real post to link it to, I would add it in the caption at the end. Aside from changing my keyboard on my phone, the font can’t be altered but emojis can be added, however for a serious topic like this I chose not to use them.

For the media aspect of the promotion, I decided it would be best to use a photo of my dog that I took while in quarantine. It is a cute picture to accompany a matter that can be sad for people, so it can hopefully act as a little pick-me-up for them. Also, it is fitting with the excerpt of my first stanza so it gives a visual to what my dog looks like for the reader. The photo could act as an attention grabber for users scrolling through their timelines as well since most people are intrigued by animals. On Twitter, the format of a photo and text to accompany it is very common so it works well with my desired design.

I thought that the best time to post would be around 7-9 o’clock in the evening. This time would work best as for most people they are unwinding for the day and relaxing on their phones using social media. Therefore, if they were to come across my post, they would be more willing to read the full piece now that they are not doing anything else like work or school work. And as I mentioned earlier, Twitters retweeting function will be very helpful in spreading word about the post and getting other users to interact with it.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. I think Twitter is a great option. Since it has a character limit, it allows for creativity, but is also makes it is to keep the posts short and straight to the point. Having a Twitter can be a bit annoying though. It would be easier if people get notified when GSR will tweet, Twitter timelines tend to get very crowded and certain posts get overlooked.

  2. I find it very interesting that you used twitter! I loved how you put a little of the poem into the post leading readers to want to read on! A very simple and easy way to grab attention!

  3. I find it very interesting that you used twitter! I find that most people used instagram. I loved how you put a little of the poem into the post leading readers to want to read on! A very simple and easy way to grab attention. Great work!

  4. The ability to retweet something on twitter is a great tool to help share the GSR content. Good idea

  5. I like how you previewed some of your poem in your tweet to give readers a glimpse of what your poem is about. I also think Twitter is a great choice to showcase your work.

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