Social Media Remix



  1. I chose to use Instagram as it is the social media platform I am most familiar with. Also, A majority of users are between the ages of 18 and 24 which is ideal for reaching the students among our audience. More specifically, I utilized the ‘Stories’ feature. With this I was able to insert a gauge sticker into the story which allows the viewer to give immediate feedback. Another reason stories works well is engagement, including with links, can be monitored and used to plan for future posts. In the second story, I used the swipe up feature which would take the user directly to The Greenspring Review to view more student submissions.


  1. Instagram offers an array of options for uploading content. Text, color, overlays, and all aesthetic aspects can be manipulated very easily and does not require any extensive knowledge of the application. It is also informal for the most part so the use of gifs, emojis, punctuation, images, and videos are all at your discretion.


  1. Upon scrolling through one’s feed, it is clear that this platform in particular focuses heavily on visuals. Because of this, it is best to use a picture or video of some sort that consist of more than text.


  1. Users are typically more active in the afternoon and late into the evening. For a student publication, daily posts (not too many) would be ideal. Also, stories are only available for 24 hours so they should be used along with traditional posts. Though, from personal experience, I view stories more that posts, with the exception of the explore tab. Polls and stickers are also a nice option for engagement without requiring viewers to leave comments.

3 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. I like the interactiveness of your stories, the clapping hands to measure how much a person enjoyed reading it, and the swipe up action of the second story. I know I personally like doing those interactive things in stories. It makes it fun and personable. It is a cool way to get some reactions from people. I also think that by placing a link to GSR in the second story is so smart! Just by swiping up people will have access to the webpage and I think that’s a great way to get traffic there.

  2. I love how this looks. I absolutely love how you went ahead and put your poem straight on there so as soon as they clicked, the poem was right there with a gorgeous picture.

  3. The picture and color that you used is very calling which is vital in these times. The interactive features in your stories will engage your viewers. Having the direct link also makes it easier for them to access the website.

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