College meme

“Me cruising thru college” Meme. January 2020.

I chose this meme for its humor and how I can relate to it as I’ve had to paraphrase many times in University. With that I also have a strong interest in journalism and often times when composing an article or piece I have to flip words and phrases around to refrain from repeating myself. Overall, I find this meme interesting and relatable and is surely something I can garner a laugh from.

8 thoughts on “College meme”

  1. I find this one very accurate. As an English major, I do a lot of writing and find myself having to flip around what I say so that it isn’t repetitive.

  2. I found myself being able to relate really well to this meme. Throughout college so far it is always an obstacle to be able to come up with your own content for several pages. Not only is the meme on the humor side but it also something that most students and abide by.

  3. I definitely relate to this meme especially when writing essays. When you’re just stating the general facts but can’t use the exact words from the book, I definitely do this to try to work my way around it.

  4. Yes, I can relate as well. Learning how to paraphrase without just rearranging the words is really hard. It’s definitely something I have to continue working on.

  5. This meme is very relatable and also extremely funny because it sounds like many things I have typed before. Me my friends, and so many others have made this comment before. Its not that I even want to plagiarize, its just sometimes it is hard to restate things in your own words, especially simple sentences that already sound good as typed. Great meme choice.

  6. I also can relate to this meme. I have found myself rearranging the words in this way so I am not exactly copying the original author. Paraphrasing is something I definitely can work more on.

  7. I relate to this meme a lot, because there are only so many ways to say certain phrases originally. So sometimes, the only thing you can do is rearrange the order of the words.

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