Social Media Remix Assignment

To promote the Greenspring Review, the platform I would use is Instagram. Instagram provides the ability to use both media and text all in one to grasp attention.

According to Sprout Social, ‘Instagram has the highest concentration of users in the United States at 116 million users, with the highest demographic being those aged 18-24.’ This age range falls in line with the age range for those in university, so it would be perfect to use for a website for college students.

Instagram also allows for the user to create posts and stories. Stories can be fun and interactive and allow for visitors to interact with the Greenspring Review on a platform other than the website. Since you are able to post more than just images but also videos or gifs, there are many options for content.

  I would begin with a simple post to the Greenspring Review’s official instagram page like so. After I would make instagram stories featuring quotes from the chosen submissions with the title and authors name in the bottom. I would keep a link of the Greenspring Review in the header of the Instagram page to allow for visitors to have access to the website at all times.

Though the post seems rather plain it gets the information across to the reader. It is easy to share with others wether by screenshot, direct messaging, or   sending by text message. The posts will all be very concise and consistent because if we do have families, alum, or teachers and staff visiting the Instagram page we would want it to look professional but still approachable to college aged students.



4 thoughts on “Social Media Remix Assignment”

  1. Simple is never a bad thing especially when it comes to Instagram. Having the power of sharing content can be important as well as having the option of using the “story” feature as well.

  2. Instagram is a great tool to utilize. There are a lot of features on Instagram that make it a good platform for a large variety of content.

  3. I think it is great that you are utilizing a resource that would be widely used by your demographic. However, it may prove beneficial to think outside of having only one age group and instead focus on having a specific genre. This way you can be sure that you maximize the amount of viewers you get on your page.

  4. Instagram was a great choice! I used it as well! I think it is the most used social media platform amongst college students! Great Job!

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