GSR Poem

Pickard, Martin. “Shadow of Man.” Flickr. April, 2009.

What Was His Name?


We met on an elevator, just the two of us

I had no idea he would change my life so much

The second we met I could feel him running through my veins

We were completely inseparable


Three days passed and our relationship began to grow and become stronger

A week went by and I begin to notice he doesn’t make me feel as good as before

At this point he attached himself to my friends and family

He knew it would be harder to escape that way


After two weeks, his existence made my blood boil

He was so suffocating it felt like my throat was going to close

I spent night after night uncontrollably shaking because of his poison

He was a monster I couldn’t get rid of


Knowing he was in full control gave me chills

The more I was with him the worse the headaches got

I became weaker and weaker day by day


He took my breath away, but not the way I wanted

He was cruel, vicious, and mean

And his name was COVID-19





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