COVID-19: Final GSR Submission

Dear COVID-19


You’ve caused many people an unbearable type of pain,

When droplets fall from the sky, I see tears instead of rain.

A number of loved ones and friends are no longer here,

For that alone is a reason to create a sense of fear.


The deer still prance lifting their white tail,

While people’s lungs are slowly starting to fail.

The world is trapped: held under lock and key,

Without knowing, when it will then become once free.


The birds are singing and chirping still each day,

While people all over are being forced away.

There is a clear aura of anger and frustration,

That can be felt all across the nation.


The blades of green grass continue to grow taller,

While the limit of interaction gets smaller and smaller.

We are held in a grasp of something quite strong,

To a point of feeling as though we don’t even belong.


As we mourn, the world seems to go on,

The sun often shines from dusk to dawn.

We can’t help but wonder how much time we have left,

COVID 19 that has taken our lives: has been charged for theft.


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