Immersive Pedagogy

This assignment was more difficult than I was expecting.  I think my main issue was trying not to edit for stylistic purposes.  I was also not very familiar with Chicago Style citations, so I had to do a little research before making my edits.  I also had to make sure that it was following the guidelines set forth on the copyediting sheet.  It was also a little difficult for me because I was not familiar with the topic, and at first I was trying to understand the topic while reading instead of editing.  Reading for understanding and trying not to make stylistic comments were probably the hardest parts of this assignment for me.  I was taking a long time to get through paragraphs when I was doing this.  Once I got the hang of reading for editing purposes, the process was able to go a little quicker for me.  Overall, I think this just confirmed that I don’t want to go into editing!

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