Final GSR Creative Writing

Kailyn Pater


One frame doesn’t tell the whole story. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about the other thousands of words? 

What about the things just outside the frame? 

What about all of those people?





Do we just completely disregard them? 

Act like the only thing that exists in that moment is what can fit into a 4”x6” frame? 


We cut, and we mold, and we manipulate

What goes in the frame.

Are we looking in,

Or are they looking out?

Will we ever know?

It’s about you.


It’s about me.

Don’t get stuck.


I, for one, cannot accept this concept. 

How could you when there are wars and love,

and tragedies and discoveries,

and pain and beauty?

I, for one, don’t believe in frames.

How could you?


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