Coding Exercises Reflection

When I first looked at the amount of work that is involved in this assignment with coding, which I have never done before, I was daunted by the lot of sections and the multiple pieces each section had. Because of this, I tried to break it up by doing two to three sections each day so I wouldn’t tire myself out too much with an overload of new coding information. It took me a little bit to comprehend each of the sections as this is all new information to me. But after a couple of try-it-yourself attempts I started picking up on how the whole coding thing works. Each section wasn’t overly hard but the challenging part was properly writing the necessary coding where and how it was supposed to be. I found it especially hard with the quotations as my mind is so accustomed to typing as if it were in sentence format, but the spacing and breaks in the coding section felt unnatural. I was able to overcome this the more I did it and just had to really make sure I was using the proper spacing and punctuation that worked, even if it looked a little off in my head. I think if I were to be given a refresher course on what exactly a company wanted me to do with coding, putting these HTML applications on my resume isn’t a too far off thought. But if it were simply off knowledge already possessed, I think I would struggle trying to apply those exercises to real applications if I were asked to. Though I’m not to secure in my abilities as of now, looking into improving my skills is a possibility for the future as I know that these skills are becoming increasingly desirable and having a sister who works in systems engineering, I see first hand how valued that is and how complex it can be.

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