HTML assignment

This assignment is my first experience with coding, and it is surely interesting. I know that code runs basically everything on the internet and code allows you to create a wide array of things. I learned how everything needs to be perfect and there can be no mistakes when coding, because a mistake would mean the code wouldn’t run correctly and could create something completely different than intended. The skills I learned are basic and small but it’s cool being able to learn how coding works and functions for websites. Some of the obstacles I encountered with this assignment were the “try it yourself” modules, I wasn’t sure what to do with them so I included the link to each on the google doc. I feel confident that if I continue to learn code and how it works I could absolutely apply it to my own site in the future. At this point, I don’t think I could include html on a resume because I have only learned barely the tip of the iceberg and I know there is a lot more to it. All in all, this assignment was fun and my first experience with coding, and this surely gave me the tools to expand on learning code in the future.


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