HTML Essay

When working with HTML, I immediately began to recall my prior experience with coding. Although it was many years ago in high school, many basic concepts did stay the same. Each code has a beginning and end, with elements inside that can be tweaked to various levels of depth. Size, colors, shape, styles, comments, tests, links, etc. were all concepts that I had dealt with in depth before. Although the specific formats and names of HTML functions were entirely new, they did seem quite familiar. I completed the work by first copying the source code into the initial “Try it for me” code. Then, I edited the elements to my own liking, using this process to understand how the code is assembled. Many of these sections required minimal work, especially the initial sections. I did not struggle with this code until the CSS section. While I understand CSS conceptually, different uses of CSS are often formatted very differently from others. I find these different uses difficult to remember from one another. CSS is also very important, and allows the coder to control many important elements at their whim. In a way, I feel pressure to implement these elements properly, which makes coding intuitively difficult. I also struggled in the images section, as it had a lot more depth than I initially thought it would. The section with background and repeating images was particularly difficult for me, as it wanted the coder to implement many elements that seemed to work against one another. Perhaps I misunderstood how it wanted us to implement it.

While I would feel confident creating my own web page in HTML, I would not yet put it on my resume. My skills are still very new, and it will take time to fully understand the quirks and intricacies of HTML. By the end of this semester, I hope to be able to put it on my resume.

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