Do’s and Don’ts for Greenspring Review

  • The audience
    • The audience of my poster is to the population at Stevenson University that deals with dyslexia, specifically letters. The population includes, but is not limited to, Stevenson students, faculty, staff, and the rest of the surrounding community.
  • The purpose
    • The purpose of this poster is to, not only bring awareness to dyslexia, but to bring specific key elements of the difficulties of dyslexia to the eye of The Greenspring Review. The poster that I created points out five (there are more) points that The Greenspring Review should and should not do when creating their cite, to accommodate to the needs of those with dyslexia.
    • I kept my post very simple, still keeping the Stevenson color scheme, I made sure that my text was easy to read, not using a san serif font. I also made sure use colors that did not complement each other, I did this so that words don’t get lost when reading the poster.  Another main thing that I did was to keep the text concise and straight to the point, trying to eliminate the idea of getting lost or sie tracked when reading.
  • Citations:
    • Ball, Cheryl E., et al. Writer/Designer: a Guide to Making Multimodal Projects. Bedford/St. Martins, 2018.
    • Pun, Karwai. “Dos and Don’ts on Designing for Accessibility.” Accessibility in Government, 2 Sept. 2016, finaldyslexia final

dyslexia final

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