Social Media Remix Assignment

I chose Twitter as an effective platform to promote my poem submission and The Greenspring Review because I think it is the easiest platform for content to be shared with the retweet function being available.  From my experience it is easier for a post to catch fire and be exposed to more people because when someone retweets something that interests them, their followers automatically see the post and it is easier for a post to begin trending.  People who would be interested in reading my piece are writing and reading enthusiasts that enjoy a reading or poem with a deeper meaning that can have multiple meanings.  

Twitter has and will always be one of the largest social media platforms where one can make many impressions on their posts in a short period of time.  Even though Twitter allows for a maximum of 140 characters per post, the use of hashtags is yet another tool that can be used to promote a post and increase the number of impressions.  To make the post more enticing one can use pictures and emojis to gain attention and catch a reader’s eye. 

When crafting the pitch I used text as an overlay due to the text restraint to give a bit of a background to the link of my poem that I shared.  A GIF would work best to grab attention but I did not have enough room with the character restraint so a short intro and link will do with how the platform works.

I think that it would work best to get exposure if I posted a few times a day and retweeted the tweets as well to bring them back to the top of the timeline for people to see.  Retweets are key to getting more likes because when someone else retweets your post, all of their followers see it as well and so forth.  An easy way to increase views is by putting the genre of the tweet in the hashtag because you can search for hashtags and if someone is interested in poetry they can search #poetry and my poem will show up along with others.  Overall, Twitter is a wonderful platform to gain exposure and get your creative piece out to the public to read.

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