GSR Social media

The platform I choose to promote my creative work for The Green spring review is Twitter. Reason for that is because that is the main source of social media that people are using these days. It is perfect for something that involves video or writing.

My idea for my post is to create a short video that revolves the idea of a my poem. Which is a couple that is stuck in quarantine and cannot see each other. Using the hashtags Covid-19 is a good idea because that is one of the major topic in today’s world. So when they go to see everything under covid-19 they will see my post that will grab their attention. Plus this way I am not restricted by characters and can get my point across in a way that catches attention. Peoples attention span is lowering so the video will not be long enough for someone to click off but just enough to keep them engaged.

I think posting around the afternoon would be a good idea because that is when people are getting off work and want to just sit down and relax. That is when they will scroll through social media and come across my post. Some ways to help increase comments and likes are having friends share your posts for you or even take it to another media platform. You can promote your post on Instagram if needed.  I could also mention Stevenson university in my post by tagging them in it and they might even share it.

2 thoughts on “GSR Social media”

  1. I like the idea of the hashtag and the video. I think it creates a great balance and can truly promote the GSR piece of literature. Twitter is the best platform for this so good choice there

  2. I too used twitter for my promotional platform and I agree it’s a great medium for this. As you mentioned, Twitter allows for a seamless use of both writing and pictures in posts. Making it a great way to have a visual along with a message for this assignment.

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