GSR Social Media

The platform that I chose to use was Instagram.  Instagram is a great option because it combines both images and text which can get the interest of different people.  Personally, I am on the platform a lot and know that is very popular for college students.  With the target audience of the Green Spring Review being current students, prospective students, and parents, I think that Instagram is the best way to reach the current and prospective students.  Not only can the pieces be viewed on the GSR Instagram, people can link it to their Instagram stories of the piece which can get more people to view it.

7 thoughts on “GSR Social Media”

  1. Paige, I also used instagram as my platform because of the number of college students I know that use it!

  2. I also used Instagram for the same reason! I really like that image and text can be combined on the app. Also, Instagram posts can be shared to Facebook, which could be pleasing to parents as well!

  3. I think Instagram is a great way to keep your post alive. Now a days you see everyone post the same picture of a celebrity they admire, or any post for that matter. It should be no different with post like this.

  4. Instagram is a great platform for sharing things to stories and spreading the content across the platform. That’s why I picked it!

  5. Your use of the story function on Instagram is a really good idea since, as you mentioned, people can put pieces they want to share on their stories. I used twitter since it has the retweeting ability but this serves basically the same function

  6. Paige, I totally agree with the Instagram idea because it is one of the business platforms for college students. It is the best way for us to communicate.

  7. Instagram is the platform I used for my post, and I agree with your reasons for using it! Especially your part about reaching Stevenson students and alumni. I like that you mentioned the GSR Instagram as well.

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