Social Media GSR

  1. I think Instagram would be the best platform would be most effective for the GSR and my submission because most college kids have and regularly use their Instagram accounts. My piece is a playful poem that is short and I know college students don’t have large attention spans or want to read anything super long.


  1. I will use a picture of nature with a caption underneath. It will be simple but I want people to be captivated by the picture and have it remind them of the time before quarantine. It asks some questions and uses question marks but no emojis or anything out of the ordinary. The picture is captivating and will make people stop scrolling and catch their attention.


  1. I used an image because that is what Instagram is all about. People post pictures and have sometimes witty, funny, or emotional captions to go along with it.


  1. I would post 3 times a week highlighting different pieces of literature at night because that is when most people scroll through their media especially since no one can go outside and hang out with other people at night. I can increase likes by having people share it on their stories and posting it on my story so people I know will share it. The more it is shared on the site gives it a higher chance of being viewed more.

6 thoughts on “Social Media GSR”

  1. I also used instagram for my platform and asked a question in my post similar to what you did to get viewers to go on the website!

  2. I agree with the attention span concept. These days our attention span has decreased so keeping a post short and to the point is a great idea!

  3. I like your use of the image to make people want to stop and really take in the image and the check out the caption since so many people just blindly scroll through Instagram. Using a nature picture like that makes people want to, like you said, look further into the picture and stop scrolling.

  4. 3 posts of a week is such is a good idea for Instagram post. That is a good consistency to stay relevant and keep your followers attention.

  5. I have instagram as well. I think the picture is so calming and grabs my attention because of how beautiful it is. I totally agree with using the picture for instagram, as that is the common media.

  6. I agree that college students often don’t have time to read longer pieces so shorter ones are often the most effective. I like the nature picture and think it will do well in capturing the viewer’s eye. I also enjoy how your poem is about what is affecting the whole world right now, therefore it can relate to vast majority of audiences.

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