Social Media Remix

I chose Instagram because I feel like it is the most popular social media with the target audience of The Greenspring Review. With this being met for students it is important to share it on a social network that will reach the most audience members. Facebook tends to be more for the older generation, and while Twitter still has some popularity Instagram I feel is just the go to app. You can share posts, stories, and even go live and talk to people directly. Instagram is also nice because there is no character limit, and if you don’t want your caption too long you can even post creative pictures of your texts instead of a photo, and now with Instagram allowing you to most multiple photos at a time, you can do both pictures of text and photos. For my post I decided to use a photo with a caption that included part of my Greenspring Review piece, and then to help bring attention to that post not only did I use hashtags, but I also shared the post onto Greenspring Review’s stories. This will help bring attention not only to the Instagram post and our page, but also to our website as students will hopefully want to read the rest of the stories. It can be challenging to know the best time of day to make a post, I find the most successful times are in the morning or evening because people usually check the social media networks as they start and end their day, or before school/after work. I feel a page like this should post at least 2-3 times a week in hopes of the content appearing more often, or encouraging students to stay up to date on stuff. There are many hashtags they can utilize to gain attention, and even make creative posts for “motivational monday”, “throwback thursday”, or other similar days like that. Another thing to consider is finding ways to make your posts or stories interactive. Commenting their favorite book, doing contests, or doing a voting poll on their stories. Little things like this are fun ways for people to past the time on social media.


5 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. This post looks very clean and perfect for promoting your work! I love the Stevenson related emojis at the end of your caption. Including a quote from your work into your caption also draws the viewer into the actual piece. The idea to make the post into an Instagram story is also smart, as it allows more people to view and click on your post, as more people tend to look at stories than scrolling through their feed.

  2. I love how you included a “tap here” button on your post to catch the viewers attention. The post is very neat and simple to read through! Putting a quote in the beginning is a great way to make readers want to read more and get a taste of what the writing is about.

  3. I like how you mention that there is a link in the bio because then people are given the option to use that link. I liked the fact that you used a quote from your story. I also thought that the tag SUCares was a nice touch.

  4. I loved your post. I feel like I agree so much that about the character limit because you can say a lot more and share a lot more in one single post versus a post on Twitter.

  5. This is a great post! Instagram is a really great platform to use, and your reasons for using it made sense. The Twitter character limit can oftentimes get in the way. Posting 2-3 times a week with different hashtags is a great way to get more followers/likes.

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