Social Media Remix


I chose Instagram because this is one of the social media platforms that I use the most. With Snapchat, your story can only been seen up to 24 hours. It is the same with Instagram but you can make your InstaStory more interactive. You can add links to websites, link your own or someone else’s Instagram post, music and more. You can @ and use any hashtag to further the engagement of who’s following you or watching your story. Another reason I chose Instagram is because I have a lot of followers that go to Stevenson or are college students. Since my poem is about my COVID experience, many of my followers will be able to relate to it and want to look at other works on the Greenspring Review.

I posted a series of InstaStories as a “teaser” to my Instagram post. This will lead the viewers to my original post that promotes the Greenspring Review and my work. In my post, one of the pictures is the photograph that I attached to my poem. The next pictures are of my poem itself. In the Caption, I explain how COVID altered my way of life which directly relates to my poem. Then, I add on how many others from Stevenson, along with others from different colleges, are experiencing the same feelings and that we put them into art. I tell them to check out the Greenspring Review for more works from students like us. I added the hashtags #stayhome, #staysafe, #covid_19, and #greenspringreview to gain more traction to my post. I also tagged our school’s and the GreenSpring Review’s Instagram profile.

I was a little late in when I originally wanted to post. I wanted to post on my InstaStory and feed at 8 pm but I ended up doing it later for outside reason s other than schoolwork. I’ve noticed that I get the most engagement on my Instagram (story and posts) around 8 pm from my followers.

2 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. I love the image that you chose to go along with your post. I think that the reason you may get the most engagement on your Instagram in the evening is that people may check their feeds in the evenings while they are unwinding. I think that the different colors on the black background is visually appealing and may cause people to want a closer look because of the stark contrast (that is what happened to me). Great work!
    -Dorothy Baker

  2. I really like the photos and overall aesthetic for this post. It’s very minimal, which I like, and looks great with Instagram in dark mode. I also like that you bring attention to your individual post but mention where to find more.

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