Social Media Post-Dorothy Baker

I chose Facebook as the platform that I would promote my piece on. I think this would be effective for the GSR and my submission because the Stevenson University audience has a heavy presence on Facebook. I also think this would be an easy way to share the page and invite new audiences and people to like the page and look at new pieces. Some people that may be interested in viewing my piece would be activists and people invested in the covid-19 cause. From what I have seen so far it is important for an activist to have an equal presence on all social media platforms that are being used that day so I think that in choosing to promote my work on Facebook I would reach a good number of people. They tend to interact with people that promote the same causes they do and so it would most likely invite viewers that are passionate about helping people who are suffering from covid-19 and/or who are interested in community response to the virus.
I chose to create a post with a caption that was simplistic yet heartfelt. Rather than using imagery such as emojis or other features such as the feeling bar I wanted to let the image speak for itself. For the page itself I chose to have an image of hands gripping a heart and the cover photo is a quote about helping people. I chose these images so that people would be able to interpret the main purpose of the page quickly. When they first visit the page, they will see that the entire thing is highly invested in positivity and helping. I used my GSR submission as the media for the post and so it was accompanied by a caption in the style of Facebook. If I were to keep monitoring this page I would post at least once a day and would keep that post to the morning time. I would want to update each morning so that people would have all day to look at the post and visit the page. I can get more views by asking people to share the page, asking questions on posts that encourage people to respond, and finding issues to explore and endorse that people are interested in at that point in time.

One thought on “Social Media Post-Dorothy Baker”

  1. I definitely like how easily posts can be shared on Facebook, which makes for great advertisement for the GSR. It can also be shared to Stevenson Facebook pages, which is once again really important for creating an audience. I personally chose Instagram because I thought it would appeal more to students and prospective students, but I definitely agree with all of your points as well!

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