GSR Social


I believe that my post would be mostly geared towards senior college students who were looking to graduate this spring. Since many of us are active on social media I chose Instagram because I felt as though it was the best way to reach a larger audience because on sites like Facebook or Twitter there are other kinds of engagement whereas on Instagram it is all about liking pictures. While there is a character limit on Instagram the goal of my post was to simply make the audience aware of the Greenspring Review publications. Since I am posting on Instagram, using a photo is best rather than simply having a blank post with just words describing what’s going on. Since most college students are on their phones during dinner time I feel like a good time to post will be between 5 and 8pm during the week.

3 thoughts on “GSR Social”

  1. I agree with the time period of posts. Most people want to sit down and relax at those hours because they are either getting off work or just exhausted from doing other things throughout their day.

  2. I like how you used a basic text for the poem title in the photo so people quickly understand what you work will be about. the picture itself is very aesthetic with the leaves too so it draws people’s focus to the post as well.

  3. I think Instagram is a great platform to use! I also agree with your time period, as people are usually checking around that time. Your photo is very eye-catching, and the caption is well written.

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