Dear self,

This sucks.  Everything you knew as normal got taken away in second.  But, maybe it was for the better.  

As much has you hate school, you miss sitting in class and hearing a professor go on and on for 75 minutes.  As much as you love going to lacrosse, you miss the run test.  

Take this time to work on you.  Find new things that make you happy.  Read a book, finish a puzzle, play board games with family, write in a journal, do a face mask, or take a bath.

Enjoy the little things in life, because in the end, you could have it much worse.

Think of the people who are fighting for their lives.  Think of the people who are fighting for other people’s lives.  Thank the people who are working tireless, around the clock to slow this down.  

Because in the end, you wake up every morning in a bed, with a roof over your head, and are healthy.

So yes, it sucks.  But maybe, just maybe, it is for the better. 

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