Greenspring Review Submission

Bright lights, street performers, gambling, partying, and huge crowds of people coming to one place for the time of their life; because “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” My spring break was all you could ever hope for – filled with love and excitement. This was my first major trip with a boyfriend, staying in a king suite of Mandalay Bay with a view overlooking the Las Vegas strip. Antonio and I were taking the trip of a lifetime.

We arrived in Las Vegas in the morning and were immediately ready to start the fun. Upon arriving at the hotel and checking in, we ran straight into the casino. The room was huge and seemed to go on for miles because we heard people cheering for joy and they were nowhere to be seen. We went straight to the black jack table and put down 100$. The dealer placed down two cards in front of me, a 7 and a 3. I nervously tapped the green felt table, and down landed an Ace, and just like that with beginners luck, I hit 21! I doubled my money on my first play.

We decided not to push our luck and get out to continue exploring, we were instantly captivated by the Mandalay Bay Aquarium. We bought tickets to feed the sea turtles too. Not only did we feed 300 pound sea turtles, but we also got a behind-the-scenes look at the shark tanks too. We spent the rest of our day wondering the aquarium seeing all of the aquatic life they had to offer. We called it an early night due to the jetlag we were beginning to feel after our long day of traveling from Maryland.

The next morning Antonio woke up before sunrise and placed a call into room service. I woke up to the smell of breakfast and freshly brewed coffee which filled the room. Antonio handed me a soft fluffy robe and slippers and told me to wake up so we could watch the sunrise and have breakfast in bed. It was like something out of a movie.

We spend the rest of our day by exploring what felt like the entire world. We went to the New York hotel and saw the Statue of Liberty and rode a roller coaster around the city. Rode in gondolas around Italy at the Venetian hotel. Stopped in Paris and kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Landed in Egypt and saw a sphinx at The Luxor. This whirlwind experience was too good to be true! I started thinking to myself, this really was too good to be true… just like that I woke up to a phone call from the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, “Hello is this Cynthia Marquez? I’d like to call and inform you that your upcoming reservation is being cancelled due to COVID-19” and just like that my dream spring break was over!

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