GSR Social Media Remix

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I chose to use the Twitter platform in order to promote my piece. Any use of social media to promote something is a good choice but with Twitter I felt it was the best platform in order to easily share with a retweet, as well as because of the number of users that are on Twitter. The Twitter audience ranges anywhere from professional writers, authors, athletes, students, as well as normal citizens. This allows the piece to be brought to a wider audience and because of the topic of the piece, can appeal to all audiences as well. Since this is a popular topic in the world and something that is very serious, I did not think emojis were appropriate. This also lets the writing be at the forefront of the post. This post would gradually get more views whether it be within hours, days, or even months. In the Twitter world, word spreads quick and sometimes even gets to people far after you think the buzz has gone down. All it takes is one person, or the right person to see the piece for it to become something bigger than what it is.

5 thoughts on “GSR Social Media Remix”

  1. I completely agree that Twitter is much easier to use in terms of sharing. Tweets spread much faster on this platform than others as you can see what the people you follow have liked and retweeted. I also agree with Twitter having a larger audience with different companies and other writers rather than being restricted to profiles you follow on other platforms.

  2. The sharing portion of Twitter is something I did not even touch on when I did my post, and I completely agree that it is an easier means of sharing posts and works. I also thought it was cool how you added your own quote in there to set up the post and give a little piece of what you are talking about.

  3. The use of retweeting is a good point that I did not think of. Twitter definitely is the easiest platform when it comes to sharing things because retweeting takes up only seconds of your time. So, Twitter would be a good way to get news circulating.

  4. This was the first post I saw that wasn’t recommending Instagram, so it was nice to hear another side. Twitter does have a lot of advantageous attributes.

  5. I like that you chose Twitter as its easy to share tweets and even pin one so it remains at the top of your profile. Using hashtags would be especially helpful for reaching more people.

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