Social Media Remix

Disney/Pixars Onward
Main post on Instagram
Disney/Pixars Onward
Instagram story post

I chose Instagram as my platform because I believe it is one of the more popular social media sites for college-aged students. Also, the Stevenson accounts on Instagram are very active and it makes it easier to potentially share my posts to their pages. I wanted to create both a post and an Instagram story becuase more people tend to look at their Instagram stories than scrolling through their feed. If a person comes across my story, they can easily click on it and be taken directly to the original post. I wanted to keep my caption short and simple. Personally, I never read super long posts on Instagram because it should mainly be about the visual. Hashtags are extremely popular on Instagram, so I made sure to include one for The Greenspring Review. I also included a camera emoji when crediting Disney/Pixar with the photo. I chose a photo for the media because that is the main medium of Instagram. I tend to not watch videos posted on Instagram unless the caption draws me in, so I stuck with a photo from the movie. I already touched upon this, but posting to my story as well will get the original post more likes and views, as more people tend to view their stories. I would post this mid-afternoon to early evening because this tends to be the time students are out of school and find themselves relaxing. I would also have my friends an family members share my post to their own stories so that I can reach more viewers.

7 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. I think you brought up some good points about what to keep in mind when posting on Instagram. I would also scroll past a post with a long caption, so I think your caption was the perfect length because it was quick and easy to read. Additionally, it was smart to post it on your story since some people only look at their feed, while others only look at their stories, so you increased your number of viewers by posting twice.

  2. I think keeping your caption short while also opting to post a picture instead of a video was a good choice, because I definitely have immediately scrolled past most videos and pictures with long captions. The tags were a great addition as well, since more people would be able to find your post.

  3. Keeping the caption short deters me too lol! SU organizations on IG are definitely active, so they’d probably share your post. Sharing the post on the IG Story will also draw more attention to your post. Using emojis for a cartoon is a smart move as well.

  4. I also really like that you made the caption short and sweet! It gets to the point but is also interesting to me. I also think the photo was nicely used. The colors alone stand out to me and make me want to stop and see what it’s about. I also think it was smart to pick a movie that is new, as many people would want to know if this movie was enjoyable! Finally, I also like that you added this post to your story to help generate more traffic to your post and the GSR website.

  5. I also chose Instagram! There are so many different things you can do on Instagram to get creative with posts! I also love how much detail you put into the actual post you shared with us! Great job!!

  6. I really the image you chose for this post as that alone intrigued me. I also like that you promoted your work specifically rather than GSR as a whole, it’s more personable that way. Personally, I tend to ignore posts that are obviously meant for promotion without a preview of what is even offered. I’ll definitely be adding this movie to my list for the summer 🙂

  7. I also chose Instagram because as you mentioned, Instagram is popular among college-aged students. I enjoyed the image that you used for this post. I liked the colors you used in your Instagram story, since it matches with the picture. I also liked how you included a link in the bio. I thought it was a good idea to use a photo instead of a video.

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