Social Media Remix

This is the GSR profile with story highlights for different categories.
This is the post I chose. It is the title and the first stanza of the poem with a photo of my uncle and I who the poem is about.
  1. I chose to do an Instagram post because it is what I am most comfortable with. The interesting thing about Instagram is that it is photo-based, although you can add captions and videos it is mostly photos. This would mean that for written pieces would have a photo attached to grab attention.
  2. I would use captions to post a small bit of the written piece and the author’s name. If the submission is a photo or art piece then it would have a caption with the author’s name and the title of the work. I think this is cool because it gives a small attention-grabbing segment bringing people to our site. Instagram has a large character count of 2,200 and a 30 limit for hashtags.
  3. Instagram can have videos or photos as posts. Depending on what fits the submission best it can be left up to the creativity of the editing team or the author. Through Instagram posts, we could have a creator spotlight to get to know the Stevenson students creating this work. You can also have live videos of any events happening with the GSR and having stories to publicize anything the GSR is doing.
  4. It is said that the best time to post on Instagram is between 3 pm and 4 pm because that is the most active time for the app. Instagram also works with hashtags to create more views. with creative hashtags it could gather more views, for example, #poems or #art, this will grab people’s attention.

2 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. I chose Instagram as well! I love how in your mockup you chose to share the first stanza of your poem in order to grab user’s attention and intrigue them to visit the website to read the rest!

  2. It’s nice that the best time to post on Insta is similar to the times most students and workers are finished with classes or work. It’ll be easier to target these audiences.

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