Social Media Remix

I think Instagram would be an effective platform for the Greenspring Review and my submission. Instagram is a popular social media platform among highschool and college-aged young adults. Likewise, many Stevenson University students turn to this platform to receive university updates and entertainment from Stevenson’s many accounts. I think fellow students would relate to my poem and enjoy reading it during this time. My poem’s audience is Stevenson University students and their loved ones who may be considered essential workers during this time.

Instagram is a social media platform where users can share and communicate through images that are paired with text captions with a limit of 2,200 characters and 30 hashtags. I will use text as a caption to describe the poem and urge users to read the full poem on the Greenspring Review website. I will also include the link to the poem in the caption to drive users to the Greenspring Review website. The font and color of the text can not be altered, but I will use emojis and hashtags to attract the audience. An image will be used as media to represent my poem and compliment the caption. The image will be the same one used to represent my poem on the Greenspring Review website to ensure the branding is consistent on all platforms.

I believe my audience would best view and interact with the social media post in the evening around 5 or 6 PM. I do not believe the day of the week the media is posted will affect the amount of views and interactions as much as the time will. I can gain more likes, comments, and views by having other users share the Instagram post on their stories which will prompt more users to visit the post.

Greenspring Review Social Media post

6 thoughts on “Social Media Remix”

  1. I read alot of webtoons and most of the time they can be found on Instagram (usually without permission of the author) BUT it shows us just how much Instagram can be effective for reading like you mentioned. So I agree!

  2. I also chose to do Instagram and I could not agree more. It’s a popular form of social media and people in our age bracket are consistently using it. I also like the use of hashtags in your post, using the hashtags the post could potentially reach more viewers.

  3. I think your post is very relatable to people on Instagram who are nurses or know any nurses, and it would have a large audience to everyone is affected by the pandemic, which is pretty much everyone. The tags will definitely help in reaching more and more people, especially the graphic that you posted dedicated to helping nurses, as users would be more inclined to read the caption.

  4. Love your mockup! The GSR logo in the profile pic is cool! SU accounts are active so I definitely see them sharing this post. I like that you included those hashtags, I just think they could’ve been integrated into the actual caption.

  5. Your piece was nice because it was easy and simple to evaluate. It is straight to the point and there is no guessing what your message is or who your audience is.

  6. Your use of hashtags was a good touch since many people around the world are using the same ones regarding COVID. You’ll definitely get more exposure by using them! You made the post relatable with the caption which will get more users to look at the work you linked.

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