Style Sheets

At first the idea of stylesheets seemed confusing, but as time went on I got used to the idea of what I have to do in terms of this assignment. As middle school education major, I constantly have to grade papers throughout my placements. Being in a Baltimore County public school, I have the opportunity and luxury to work specifically through technology not just with my students and school teacher, but planning with my school mentor. Although I may not have closely analyze this reading as closely as an educator should have in terms of assessment, this exercise allows for me to closely analyze my students writings and to make comments at certain aspects to improve the overall development in their writing structure. This allows for students to be more open in terms of their own assessment of their own writing and for more honest feedback for peer review, allowing for more growth in terms of overall writing skills, as well as another avenue for educators to connect with their students to pinpoint where their writing maybe lacking in structure and development versus where they excel.

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