Style Sheet Exercise

This process seemed overwhelming at first, especially since I had never even heard of a style sheet before. I looked at the check list and just took it step by step and that helped me not feel as overwhelmed and just focused on one thing at a time. Doing this exercise really showed me all that goes into editing a piece, especially a lengthy one with links, articles, footnotes, etc, things that aren’t always even every piece of writing. I really had to reread it multiple times to do my best not to miss anything, and even then I am sure I missed things as it was a lot to pay attention to. I learned a lot about Chicago style during this process. I have been using APA for so long I forgot a lot of the rules with Chicago style writing and editing, so this was a good refresher. I also learned that to be an editor you have to have a lot of confidence in your skills and knowledge of editing. There were so many times during this process where I was second guessing myself, and if I needed to make a change in punctuation or not. However, by the end I did feel a little more comfortable with the process and overall had a good experience with this assignment and am glad I got some exposure to style sheets and how they work.

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