Final GSR Submission

My Quarantine Experience 

This time of crisis is something I will never forget. The level of fear and panic as each day goes by is something I’ve only seen in horror movies. People have gone into survival mode as if it were the end of the world. Although this pandemic is as serious as anything that has gone on in my lifetime, it is also important for people to understand that better days are ahead, even for those who have lost loved ones. This time of being locked away in the house has also opened my eyes to what is important and how much we may take the simple pleasures in life for granted. Being able to enjoy a day at the beach, going for a night out with friends, all seems so distant and something unheard of at this time. I’ve grown to appreciate having a roof over my head, and having people around me who make being in a house all day not feel like a quarantine. It’s given me the opportunity to come closer with my father, who I seldom see while being away at school for 10 months out of the year. Usual nights of being stuck in a library for hours on end have turned into nights of movies and laughter. Waking up in the comfort of my own home every morning has been something that I am learning to appreciate more each day. Simpler times full of health and peace are on their way, but in the meantime, I am choosing to find the positives in an otherwise fearful and negative time.


How Can I Learn to Find Positives in Negative Situations ...



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