Immersive Pedagogy Style Sheet Exercise

This was my first time working with this type if style guide. I have seen styles guides used in graphic design settings. I was very confused with this assignment, and felt very overwhelmed when reading the directions and looking at the style guide itself. Once I looked at peers’ examples, I realized I was simply proofreading the “Immersive Pedagogy” text. It wasn’t difficult to proofread, although the text itself was not interesting to me; there was a lot of foreign vocabulary. Frankly, even after editing it, I still have no idea what immersive pedagogy is. This assignment was helpful; I did learn what a style guide is and how to use it. I think this assignment would have been better with a text that was a little easier to understand.

I also had issues linking the Google Doc to this post. The link would show the text unedited, without the suggestions I made. After trying several things, I decided to make the suggestions into official changes to the text, so the changes would be visible (instead of simply seeing the unedited document).

Immersive Pedagogy_Harris

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