HTML Reflection

I found this assignment particularly difficult in the beginning because I am not a tech savvy individual at all and it took a bit of time to get started and figure out exactly what to do.  I did four sections a day to complete the assignment over time, but once I got through the first few sections I started to get the hang of the tedious process.   

The HTML headings are by far the easiest to understand but I learned that each HTML heading has a default size unless changed using CSS font-size property to specified size.  Also, there is even an element being <hr> that defines the thematic break in an HTML page, which highlights the extent of detail that goes into creating the code for a website.  In addition I learned HTML headings are defined by <h1> to <h6> tags, <h1> being the most important heading to <h6> being the least important heading. The following exercises were fairly simple, outlining the major elements in the layout of a website.  I found it interesting that every little detail that goes into a website has its own tags that make up the coding of a website. I found the HTML formatting section to be difficult due to the immense detail that goes into the formatting process. I learned that there is an element being <del> that defines even deleted or removed text, which is quite interesting and I wonder how often it is used when coding a website.

This was the first time I had ever been exposed to coding and I feel confident in being able to understand what goes into coding but when it comes to actually coding on my own, I think that would be extremely difficult for me because of all of the nuances and rules there are to create certain code for a web page. I would not put it on my resume because I am not skilled at coding and I feel that if you put something on your resume it means you are proficient in that skill and I feel that it would be misleading to an employer.  Overall, I think the project was interesting and I would like to learn more about coding because I understand that this assignment only scratched the surface.

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