Style Sheet Exercise

To work in Digital Publishing, you need to know how to read, implement, and adapt a Style Sheet. A Style Sheet is an ever evolving tool used to ensure the process of copyediting is uniform across every piece published. A Style Sheet can and should be customized to a specific publication based on their needs, and must be updated according to changing trends and technical developments (think one space after a period, or the Oxford comma). In terms of digital publishing, a Style Sheet might also include instructions for implementing or customizing HTML and CSS to be consistant with the aesthetics of the publication.

For this assignment you will apply a Style Sheet for an online scholarly journal to a sample article submitted for publication. All the materials you need are in this folder:


  1. Read over the documented titled “Style Sheet” and use the comment feature to add questions for your classmates or Dr. L to answer.
  2. Choose the Word or Google doc version of “Immersive Pedagogy” based on your editing preference.
  3. Make a copy of the article and save as Immersive Pedagogy_yourlastname.
  4. Using Track Changes in Word or Suggesting mode in Google Docs, apply the Style Sheet to the article to make changes.
  5. If your first name begins with letters A-J, edit pages 1-8. (Stop at the section titled “Decolonial Foundations: Critical Approaches to the Development and Curation of 3D/VR/AR Technologies”).
    If your name starts with k-z, do pages 9-the end. (Start at the section titled “Decolonial Foundations: Critical Approaches to the Development and Curation of 3D/VR/AR Technologies” at the end of page 8). 
  6. This is your ‘in class” work for this week, and is due by Monday, April 20th. 
  7. To turn this in, please post a link to your doc on the blog with category “blog” and tag “copyedits” and write a short 8-10 sentence reflection on how the process went and what you learned.

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