Coding Reflection

I completed the work kinda all out of order. I first went through and did the try it now sections after reading each one, and then posted them all in the google doc. After that, I went back and summarized each section in my document. I did the exercises last because they took some time for me, and I wanted to just simply go ahead and complete the try it now sections. One fo the main obstacles I overcame (sort of) was frustration and confusion. I was confused first of all because this was basically a different language for me, so it took some time to understand it. I was frustrated for part of it because some of them were short, and some required lots of steps and if you messed up a little step or forgot a letter, the whole code would be messed up and I couldn’t find exactly where I would mess up and would have to start over. One of the problems I also overcame was time management.. I didn’t realize the coding was supposed to be done over break so it was hard jamming it all out in a session to try to get it done on time, especially when I have never done anything like this before.

Like I said before, this coding work was completely new for me. It was stressful, overwhelming, and I did not really enjoy it overall. Although, I did enjoy seeing the end result when it actually worked. I definitely do not feel confident applying these skills to a website in the future and hopefully won’t need to since I am a psychology major who wants to have a private practice and teach to kids. I definitely couldn’t put this on my resume because if you asked me to do the same thing a week later but without giving any instruction, I definitely would not have been able to do it. It was so out of my element and honestly I was really surprised we had an assignment like this at first. But when I thought about it, I understand how it is necessary. I understand we really had no control with this, but I think it would have been a lot easier and a lot more manageable if we were able to maybe do it in class so we could walk through it together and break it down to be more manageable and be there to support each other.

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