HTML Essay

This assignment was relatively difficult for me.  I am better at looking at things on paper and being hands-on.  I went through each HTML section individually and noted the uses for each type of coding.  Sections like formatting and citations were more difficult for me because I was not familiar with all of the terminology.  I had to spend more time practicing these sections as well as links and CSS format, which included learning what everything meant in the first place.

I think part of the reason it was difficult for me was because I never made myself aware of all the aspects that go into making websites.  I understand things like hyperlinks and margins, but I never attributed their presence on websites to coding.  Sections like images were also a little difficult for me, but I was able to understand them more quickly because it built off of some of the basics that were covered.  I tried to do the exercises in each section and look at the code I saved from each of options.  It took me longer than expected.  I definitely had to reference the basics and elements sections several times to understand the association between them and the more complex codings.  I knew what coding was, but I had never actually tried it, so it was definitely difficult to get the hang of.  I am not sure if I would be comfortable putting HTML coding on my resume–not until I practiced more, anyways.  Learning how to HTML code is definitely an important skill to possess, though.

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