Coding Reflection

This assignment was a little confusing for me but easy at the same time. First, I had to familiarize myself with what exactly these coding processes did, like what the goal of changing certain words or not changing words was and what it would actually affect on the other screen. Once, I understood the patterns of HTML however, things got less confusing. I do not have all of the codes memorized so I would more than likely not be able to do it off memory alone, but if I saw it again, I might be able to understand and explain to someone else what to do.

I used a different “Try it Yourself” document every time and I just practiced the little changes and adjustments on a new document. I spent on average 20 minutes on each lesson so that I could learn as much from it as I could. The most difficult section for me was the “subscript” section because there was a lot of information thrown at me at one time and because of my failure to memorize the codes and my limited experience with coding, in general, it made that section even harder. My biggest problem with working on this alone and over spring break was distractions because as I already stated, I do not have a lot of experience or interest in coding, so I was easily distracted. This was not my favorite assignment to do as it was extremely unfamiliar and time-consuming for me but there were certain features, like changing the colors of words or the color blocks, that I found easier and would enjoy playing with again.

In conclusion, this beginner’s HTML program has shown me that although, I might not enjoy it the coding, at least on a basic level, is not as difficult as I originally thought. I do not think that I could put this on my resume just yet as I think that I still need more practice and understanding. And I would not feel completely comfortable applying this to a real website on my own. I would definitely need someone else who is more experienced or comfortable with HTML to help guide me along.

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