Coding Reflection

The assignment was fairly easy. Took me a short while to familiarize myself with the patterns of HTML, but it is a basic system that offers flexibility. Recognizing how to use that system, even with just one morning of practice to run through what we were assigned, I was able to get the hang of what to do, even if I didn’t have all the codes memorized.

I kept using the same “Try it Yourself” document, and added to it as I followed more lessons, so it represents the solid end result of everything I learned. I had only had limited experience with coding beforehand, mostly command line commands to salve an issue with my computer.

The biggest issue I was faced with was the lack of memorization of the codes for certain things. I’d add to the document after taking that particular lesson, so I had a fresh reference, but it would take me a similar amount of time to put something together on my own, as I would have to reference a fair amount of information to put something together.

In summary, HTML is something I could learn if I dedicated more time to, but at this point, it’s not a skill I could utilize effectively, or put on my resume. I simply do not have enough practice with it, but a few weeks of practice and a continual effort would get me there.

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