Coding Experience

This assignment was supper difficult for me to do. I am a person that hates doing things on the computer. I am more of a hands-on person so typing is something that I loathe. With that being said, this was not easy for me.

It was difficult for me to remember what symbols and letters to use for specific elements. Making sure to type in width, length, color, size, font, etc. on my own was tedious to me. I would often forget or use the wrong <> or forget to include / to end the element. The comment section of the lesson was confusing because I couldn’t see what was going on when I practiced it. This happened with bidirectional, borders and values when I tried to do it on my own.

What was pretty easy was doing headings, lists, what color I wanted, images and links. The hiccup I had with images was putting the correct link in for the picture. You have to insert the direct link of the picture to successfully add it. Once I realized that you basically state what you want to add or alter before you include it it got a little easier. It was interesting to see how you can change and create things using certain codings.

It took me around 15-30 minuets per lesson to have a small sense of what I was doing or supposed to do. I was relying on the Try it Yourself function to see what I was doing and what it was supposed to look like. I had the template on the screen at all times when I tried it on my own and it was still very challenging. I would be elated and ecstatic if I never had to do this ever again. I would personally use a template for making a website than use HTML. I don’t really have the patience to do it since I hate computer work. I give props to those that enjoy and are good at using it and creating

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