HTML Reflection

This was my first experience working with coding so this assignment was a challenge for me from the beginning. When I first looked at the assignment and what we had to do it all looked like a foreign language to me. I wasn’t sure where to begin, what it was suppose to look like, and felt a lot of anxiety when getting started with this. I tried to go through the lessons and teach myself but the anxiety of not knowing what is correct or not correct hindered me from being successful. I looked for assistance and help with our teacher and a peer’s example. It was very helpful as I can be a visual learner and sometimes need guidance. After that I restarted the lesson and had a much more successful time the second go around. It felt easier to understand and I was able to focus on each lesson step by step instead of being overwhelmed with it in its entirety.

I continued this method the entire assignment, just focusing on each individual step of each individual lesson so that I wouldn’t overwhelm myself again. I eventually found myself on a roll and getting the hang of HTML. I did half of the lessons on one day, took a break, and then continued the other half of the lessons the next day. This helped me stay focused and remember the steps, but also give my mind some time to rest as it still was a lot of information to absorb. Most of the lessons were pretty straight forward like the lessons on “Headings”, “Paragraphs”, “Formatting”, and “Comments”. I felt like the lessons on “Basic”, “Headings”, and “Paragraphs” helped me get a good grasp of HTML. It was good for me to first understand the general layout and then to add to that, like that each code starts with “<DOCTYPE html>”, and that you need to always put “<h>” and “<p>” when starting a new heading or paragraph. I think having “Attributes” be the first lesson with the exercises made the rest feel overwhelming because I felt like I was trying to understand what attributes are and what they do when I barely even understand the fundamental basics yet. I really enjoyed the lesson on “Styles”, while it was a lot of information to take in, I really enjoyed typing in a code and then automatically seeing the color of the text change, or the font be different, like how typing =”color:blue;” will make the following words blue. I truly never understood just how much went into the simple design of just text, let alone an entire website. The most difficult lesson was probably CSS, which felt similar to the lessons on “Styles” and “Attributes” but was mostly difficult just because it took me a bit to fully understand how CSS is different from what I did earlier. While this probably was the most challenging, I could see it being one of the most helpful skills to know as it can help manage the layout of multiple web pages at once.

Overall, the lessons were fairly easy once I understood the process more. I however, don’t feel confident adding HTML to my resume. There is a lot to remember. One error, like forgetting a bracket, colon, or a greaten than sign, can make it all ineffective. I feel like it is something that takes a lot of practice and repetition, and while this lesson has made me familiar with HTML, it has not made me efficient enough to tell an employer that I know how to do HTML. While it did stress me out in the beginning, I did actually find myself enjoying creating code and am glad I got to have some experience with it.

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