HTML Reflection

I had confidence in myself going into this project. I am currently taking a Python programming course and I thought that my previous experience with coding would help me. I was semi-right. It was definitley easier in the sense that I understood the language of HTML and it was not overwhelming. In fact, coding with html, for me, is much easier than Python from what I have experienced so far. There were some lessons I struggled with, but the site was very easy to follow and understand.

Each lesson was easy to follow becuase of the way it’s content is laid out. My programming textbook has information by the paragraph, which makes it easy to get lost in all of the technical terminology. This site was broken down pretty much line-by-line so that each term was explained with an example. This made it much easier for me to learn and understand the content. After reading each lesson, I would complete the exercises on my own. I did not use the “check answer” button until after I came up with one on my own. The “try-it” buttons were very helpful because they showed what the code did instead of just using words to try and describe the outcome.

The lesson I struggled with the most was the CSS lesson. I think I struggled with it because of the amount of information that was contained within the lesson. There were so many new elements that they introduced that I had to keep referring back to the lesson in order to complete the exercises. All of the other lessons I felt comfortable with. I wouldn’t say I am completely comfortable with applying these skills to a real website yet, but I am also not totally uncomfortable. Coding is something that takes a lot of practice to feel completely comfortable with it, just because there is a lot of elements and terminology that I have to remember. That being said, I think with a little more practice, I would be comfortable.

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