Posting for Mental Illnesses

To create webpage content while being mindful for those who suffer mental illness or depression there are a number of things you should and should not do.

Since there are many factors of college life that contribute to the risk of getting depression, it is important for a school sponsored webpage to be mindful of the content they are posting. Suicide is the second leading cause of death to young adults aged 18-25 years old, so they should not post content that promotes suicide or other toxic behaviors. Toxic behaviors include isolation, negativity, or drug and alcohol abuse, posting content that includes or promotes toxic behaviors, could give readers the idea that these behaviors are ok.

According to Unity Rehab, “nearly one-third of people with depression also have a co-existing substance abuse disorder”


Since there are so many different types of depression it is also important to be mindful of the content that is frequently posted to the Greenspring Review. Many college students experience stress due to financial standing, academics, work, and relationships; posting about this could contribute to a common type of depression known as situational depression. There are also more common types of depression such as major depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is contributed to during the winter months due to the lack of sunlight.


In todays culture people tend to throw around words without realizing their true meaning. There are many mental illnesses that people claim to have, using phrases such as “I am so OCD” when they are just trying to over exaggerate their neatness. Making false claims like this can be upsetting to those who may truly be suffering from these issues.

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