Do’s and Don’ts for Designing for Commuter Students.

The audience for this poster is commuter students at Stevenson University. My sister and I are both commuter students attending two different schools. We have both realized throughout the years that universities do not cater to commuter students. Commuter students are often expected to have open availability and be able to get to the university at any time. With my personal experience, I have had trouble when planning meetings with teachers or other students because they do not understand that I do not live on campus and assume I have the ability to meet all the time. I have also noticed in my time of being a commuter that I often feel left out, I want to be included within the student body. I wanted to do my poster on this group of people because it has been huge in my life and I think commuter students should be recognized when designing the Greenspring Review.

I started y list of do’s and don’ts with the simple things that should help when designing for commuter students. first on my list would be to include online submissions for the Greenspring Review, by having an online submission commuter students can easily submit work from home. Secondly, I would add any events to the cite in advance, by doing this it would make it easier for commuter students to schedule for events and be able to attend them. My third suggestion would be to make the site mobile friendly. If commuter students are on the go then they may not have the time to get out a laptop or find a desktop to submit work or adjust the cite, by making it mobile-friendly anyone can access it at any time. forth on my list would be to have an option to phone in or video chat into an editorial meeting. If you had this option it would make scheduling easier and students could still attend the meeting without having to drive back to the school. My fifth item on my do list would be to have links to social media updates, this will help commuter students get updates on other news and things happening n campus when they are not there. Don’t only hold meetings in person, this makes commuter students miss meetings if they cant get back to the school in time. Secondly don’t exclusively write about Stevenson events, when we have journalism entries if we pick movies or theatre productions that have multiple viewing times it will be more likely that all students will be able to see this and then can read the article. Third on my list would be don’t hold meetings at different times, by sticking to a schedule it will be easier for people to plan around. My fourth suggestion would be to not hold too many events. If you hold too many events commuter students will have to pick and chose what event they want to go to. Finally don’t hold any mandatory events or meetings this will discourage students from getting involved if they know that the organization will not be flexible.

I chose to arrange my post symmetrically (Vasile). I chose to do this so that my information would be clearly understood. As I mentioned in my do’s and don’ts commuter students want to feel included in Stevenson University so I made sure to incorporate the colors of Stevenson. The colors will clearly shout Stevenson and will attract the eye of Stevenson Students (Arola et al, 15). I also chose to add simple pictures that keep the design to the point and will not take away from the topic of my poster.

Arola, Kristin L., et al. Writer/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects. 2014.

Vasile, Christian. “Learning the Basic Elements and Principles of Graphic Design.” 1stWebDesigner, 27 May 2018,

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