Usability Summary: 5 Principles of Visual-Design UX

“5 Principles of Visual-Design in UX,” defines and discusses the five visual-design principles that impact UX specifically, which are scale, visual hierarchy, balance, contrast, and Gestalt. The principle of scale uses size to signal what is and is not important. A bigger size communicates to the user that they should pay attention to that signal and it is also easier for the user to notice. In order for a design to be visually pleasing, it should have no more than three different sizes. This will help in establishing a visual hierarchy, which is the next principle. Visual hierarchy refers to the process of guiding the user’s eye in a way that it takes in information in the order of what’s most important to least important. There are many different ways that this can be accomplished through scale, value, color, spacing, placement, etc. When creating a visual hierarchy, it is suggested that you use a 2-3 typeface size to indicate which information is most important. Balance is when the designer equally distributes visual signals on both sides of an imaginary axis to create a satisfying arrangement of design elements. Even though the elements are equally distributed they do not have to be symmetrical necessarily. Asymmetrical elements can create a dynamic and engaging website design that has a lot of energy and movement, while symmetrical elements can give a more static and quieter vibe. Radial balance always manages to guide the eye back in a circular direction. Contrast is the concept of using signals that are visually different to communicate that they are different elements. This principle is most commonly applied through color. Lastly, the Gestalt principle is an explanation for how humans arrange complex images into a whole in order to simplify what we are seeing. There are several Gestalt principles, but proximity is the most important for UX as it refers to the fact that items that are closer together visually will be perceived by our minds as a part of the same group.

Visual principles are important because it increases usability because it makes the website layouts easy to use, they provoke emotion and delight, and it strengthens brand perception as it builds the users trust and interest in the product because it represents the brand accurately as well as reinforces it.


World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. “5 Principles of Visual-Design in UX.” Nielsen Norman Group,

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