Usability Summary

In the article, “First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users” by Jakob Nielson it overall states that web designers should not listen to what users say that they want, but listen to the actions they do. Previously websites used to focus on how flashy they looked, now they focus on the simplicity. Typically when customers think they will like an idea, is it not actually functional or something that is easy to use. The article mentions that even when users have taken surveys about what they want to see on a website, they will choose things because it ‘sounds cool’ not because they actually want it.

The proper way to collect data from users is by seeing their actions on a webpage. It is also not recommended for designers to try and predict what is the next move that users will make, it is best to just focus on their current needs.

Nielson, Jakob. “First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users.” Nielsen Norman Group, 4 Aug. 2001,

5 thoughts on “Usability Summary”

  1. I totally agree. There is a bias present here, where they try to pick what is socially acceptable and therefore not as accurate in their true beliefs. Their actions are stronger than their words, and that’s definately an important thing to look at. My article talked about how less than 5 users to gather data is accurate, and I can see that being applied here. What actions would people look at specifically?

  2. I found it similar that both of our articles discussed how we should observe users using the website to see how it is used. In my article, the author discussed that they should test the website on five people to observe patterns of behavior. In your article, they discuss observing users’ actions on a webpage. I learned that this is more effective than asking them how the website can be improved. How many people do you think they need to observe to determine the current needs of users?

  3. It makes sense to focus on the current needs of the user and not wants. By focusing on the user’s actions it becomes easier to create something functional and easier to use. I don’t agree however that designers shouldn’t try and predict the next thing users will want, otherwise how will they create new and innovative products?

  4. My article also focused on the actions done by the user in regards to slips. Both this article and the one I chose to focus on the movements of the user to make sure they can properly navigate the site. Designers need to choose the easiest and most efficient ways to make the site for the user based on actions and not words. It will allow a better site experience and can allow for more traffic to be brought to a specific site.
    Users can still have good ideas so my question is to what extent do you listen to users’ words and advice for a site compared to their actions?

  5. Focusing on the user needs is very important when creating content but also making sure that the content is something you are actually knowledgeable on. Simple websites with quality information are more successful in todays world as opposed to the flashy website that might not be as informative. Accurate information can be hard to come by with the amount of news out there with social media so creating something true and clean is important. Do you think it is possible to create a quality website that can accessible, as well as appealing to every user that might use it?

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