UX Research Cheat Sheet Summary

Experience, World Leaders in Research-Based User. “UX Research Cheat Sheet.” Nielsen Norman Group, https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-research-cheat-sheet/. Accessed 28 Feb. 2020.

This article promotes the importance of research at any point of design process. This article breaks down the design process into four parts: Discover, Explore, Test, and Listen. At each of these parts, there are methods of research to better the user experience at each of these levels of design. During the discover stage, one is attempting to better understand what people need. Here, you could conduct interviews with stakeholders and find strengths and weaknesses of the product. Exploration methods include understanding the problem space and design scope and addressing user needs appropriately. With testing, methods are used for checking designs during development and beyond, to make sure systems work well for the people who use them. Lastly, by listening to our research and design,  we can better understand existing problems and to look for new issues. Each of these parts have a variety of activities to incorporate to better user experience. These methods and activities can improve the user experience of one’s design, ultimately improving the final product.

2 thoughts on “UX Research Cheat Sheet Summary”

  1. There are a couple of similarities between your article and mine. I read about a usability method called Empathy mapping. An empathy map sounds like it would be used in the discover stage because it focuses on the people using the product. Empathy maps focus on the user and records what they Say, Think, Feel, and Do in order to understand their audience more. Which stage do you think an empathy map would be used? I also think it could be used during the testing stage but more so during Discover.

  2. My article discussed that you should only test with five users because using any more than five is a waste of money. I see that your article discussed the testing and listening stage of research, which relates to my article. It is important to test your website with real people in order to identify any problems they may experience. I learned that it is important to discover what people need, so you know you are creating something that is purposeful and will be used. When creating a website, what are some testing methods you would use?

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