First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users

In this part of the article, it focuses on the first rule of usability.  It says that the first and most important is to not listen to the users.  At first thought, it seems odd, people that create websites want to have it appealing to their users, therefore their input is important.  However, instead of listening to what they say, and might do.  Focus on what they actually do on the website when navigating, this would include the idea of business intelligence.

To go along with the idea of not listening to the users, there are three sub-points to it.  The first one is watch what the people actually do.  Second, do not believe what people SAY they do, and lastly do not believe what people predict they may do in the future.  In conclusion this basically means, do not react to what the users says, react to what they actually do.

World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. “First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users.” Nielsen Norman Group,

One thought on “First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users”

  1. This is similar to my article in that the users may have suggestions about a specific site and they want to share that information. In regard to slips, people may not be paying attention fully but may still want to make suggestions. It is important to track the actions rather than the words of the users because they might not be lining up.
    How hard is it to tune out what people are saying about a site and focus on their actions?

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