Usability Article Summary

The introduction on the assigned page talked about the phenom that people are more likely to forgive a negative user interface if the site is more aesthetically pleasing. People like things that look nice and are more likely to use them. Therefore, the aesthetics of a site can be just as important if not more important than the functionality of the site when it comes to maintain and drawing in users. The article I read for the assignment was about usability testing on minors. When testing a product/app on minors it is important for one to understand that they are dealing with children who have different needs than adults. Children may take longer to settle into a comfortable position or may fidget more often than adults do. They may require more bathroom or water breaks and may get bored more easily than an adult would. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind when testing on minors. One may want to give incentives with the kids in mind such as gift cards or toys. They may also want to prepare more participants in case something may come up with one the other can be used as a backup. Most importantly the testing coordinator wants to keep in mind that these are minors, there tech skills will increase each year they are exposed to the tech, and the children will be receptive only if the study is understandable and tailored to incorporate their needs as well as the coordinators.
Joyce, A. (2019, April 28). Usability Testing with Minors: 16 Tips. Retrieved from Nielsen Norman Group:

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