Usability Summary

The article I chose introduces us to usability as well as the components that make it what it is. Usability is described as how easy the user interfaces are for the user to actually use. The quality components that usability is defined by are learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction. Although there are many other quality attributes, these are seen as the five that are most important to a designs usability. The article then goes on to discuss the importance of usability and how it can be improved. The level of usability for a design or site is the most important thing to consider when creating. Without usability, no one is going to be able to enjoy or utilize the content to its fullest potential. Level of difficulty and lack of offering are two primary things that people look at when examining a website. No one is interested in having to figure out a website by themselves. People prefer there to be an organized lay out where it is clear what is going on as well as something that they can easily maneuver through. Usability is important to any website and design which makes it all the more important to test the usability every so often to ensure it is being used as it was created to do.

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