JITP article summary

As social justice gains popularity in technical communication, teachers are trying to incorporate that in the classrooms. The researchers conducted a pedagogical study, considering disability in social justice technical communication. They achieved this through service-learning and action research, allowing students to apply what they’ve learned to benefit disabled communities. The researchers’ hoped that students developed Aristotelian virtue ethics. Students learned to communicate accessibly, considering various disabilities of potential readers when writing. This is inclusive communication so as to empower the audience for usability and diverse representation. Throughout the study, the researchers routinely checked on students’ awareness to make sure that they were engaged in the assignments. At the conclusion, students learned the importance of inclusive communication and became better technical communicators. Students also realized that it’s an attractive skill to employer when looking for a job. Some even expressed wanting to continue improving inclusive communication and some are now more aware of social justice concerns beyond disability.


Colton, Jason S., and Rebecca Walton. “Disability as Insight into Social Justice Pedagogy in Technical Communication.” The Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy, 17 Dec. 2015, jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/disability-as-insight-into-social-justice-pedagogy-in-technical-communication/.

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