Greenspring Review Redesign

GSR Team 1:


  • The search bar is effective, viewable, and handy
  • The Event Countdown
    • The GSR logo with the year it was actually established
    • The link to the current magazine is the first thing you see
    • The menu options are nice and accessible

Needs Improvement:

  • The “library” of books that peak through the sides
  • The layout of the submission guidelines is very confusing
  • “About Us” group picture
  • The “Contact us at this email”
  • There is no social media presence

GSR Team 2: :


  • The attractive logo
    • Featured issues that guide you to other submissions
    • “Share” button on the submissions
    • The Submission section
    • The distinct font change that important words are written in like “submit” and “featured issues.”

Needs Improvement:

  • Although the logo is attractive it is not the whole site, so tone it down a bit
  • The navigation of scrolling and the logo disappearing
  • The way the issues were organized
  • The different quotes on the “About Us” page
  • Very bright and kind of bland

GSR Team 3:


  • The Social Media presence right on the Home Page
  • The cute display for profile pictures; didn’t go for a group picture
  • It is interactive with posts, you can like posts
  • The display of the different issues with pictures
  • The accessibility of search bar

Needs Improvement:

  • The blue font of “The Greenspring Review”
  • The Typewriter image
  • Submission guidelines should be before the actual form
  • The pale colors of the website make it kind of bland
  • There are no names or information about the team members


My favorite website was definitely team 1. It automatically had a certain old school charm to it from the logo to the set up of the site. Once I found out what the oak leaf stood for, I loved that they connected that back to what Stevenson is about. Even though we have this new campus the Greenspring Review still screams “Greenspring” where everything started. Even though the books were the only thing that was throwing off the aesthetic everything else was pretty much on point. They have a few more things to tweak, but I feel moving forward as Stevenson expands our website will be a cute homage to where we came from.


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